Free Stuff by

Below you will see links to I used the CADDtools site to start MetalOpt and give information related to the construction industry. I hope these extra tools will help you improve production in your line of work. Please visit both sites often to see updates and new items.
ASCE Wind Load program

This is a web enabled wind load program to generate the design pressures for the components and cladding section in the ASCE 7-22 building code which is utilized in the 2023 Florida building code. You input your desired wind speed and mean roof height to get a chart of the design pressures at the default tributary areas.
Salvage 1

This is a site I dedicated to the Salvage 1 TV series and the people who keep the memory alive: namely the Salvage 1 user group and the handful of dedicated people who have great web sites along with the people working to preserve the TV show. Since I am a CAD draftsman I used AutoCAD to create a drawing of the space craft based on the drawing in the show.
Ghostly Umbrella

This was a mysterious incident that happened a few years ago and was picked up by my surveillance camera. It looks like I am a victim of an apparition. See it on Youtube.
Web template thanks

I would like to take the opportunity to thank nodethirtythree design for their Zenlike 1.0 web template. Originally created by nodethirtythree design I greatly modified their template to create this website. THANKS