MetalOpt8.2 by

A Cut List Pic

MetalOpt is a "keep it simple" bar optimization and cut list program that has been evolving and improving over the past several years to give the user both quick and accurate results. It utilizes a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the minimum material needed for any particular project. Not only does this program allow for the cutting of extruded aluminum, it can be applied for the cutting of structural steel, wood studs or moldings, as well as, miscellaneous composite panel materials and window or door stock length.

The MetalOpt program utilizes your input data (the length, quantity, and the extrusion order length) to format it and to print a fabrication (FAB) sheet. When you are satisfied with the material requirements, you need only run the cut list portion of the program to produce a fabrication cut list. This program also has the beneficial feature of allowing you to import data from AutoCAD into excel and export TAG information back to AutoCAD. This multi-step process allows you to quickly manipulate the data until your ultimate FAB sheet is obtained. This is a major advantage to this program, in that it allows you to format many different parameters, and create the FAB sheet that best suits your needs.

Feature Video

See the video showing the features of MetalOpt optimizing curtain wall material.

Key Benefits

  • Simple Design and user interface
  • Small file size optimizes quickly
  • Customizable with Microsoft Excel
  • Pricing Structure

    One license is for one user. $65 USD
    Two licenses are for two staff members. $125 USD
    Three licenses are for three plus staff members. $180 USD
    Please note: With the purchase of three licenses you are authorized unlimited use of the MetalOpt cut list program by all staff members at your facility.

    • To purchase select

    Original Manual input Video

    This is a demonstration using the MetalOpt material cut list program. I will show the manual use of entering part information into the Excel spread sheet and running the various cut list operations.

    MetalOpt 8.2 with camQuix file creation routine

    MetalOpt 8.2 has a new file creation tool that the camQuix software can read. This converts the fab sheet or cut list data into the native camQuix NCX file format.

    MetalOpt 8.1 New Brake Metal routine

    MetalOpt 8.1 has a new auxiliary brake metal - panel optimizer routine to determine the quantity of sheets needed.

    MetalOpt 8.0 New optimizing engine

    A Cut List Pic

    MetalOpt 8 has a new redesigned optimizing engine which attempts to find the maximum cutting combinations to produce the minimum stock lengths required. Due to the time required to find every possible outcome the program has a time limitation and finds the absolute best outcomes about 90% of the time. In addition, the original linear optimizer runs about four times faster by utilizing the new program memory features. Due to customer feedback the original linear optimizer are the primary buttons people want to use. To use the new Max optimizer the user will select the smaller pull down menu buttons.

    MetalOpt 7.6 with RazorGage revision

    MetalOpt 7.6 has a user requested update for the RazorGage saw stop routine.

    MetalOpt 7.5 user request for FOM revision

    MetalOpt 7.5 has an update with a few user requests to update the FOM saw stop tools.


    MetalOpt 7.4 with additional FOM tools

    FOM XML links

    MetalOpt 7.4 has an update adding more FOM saw stop tools. This revision adds a conversion from inches to metric lengths saving a conversion step on the FOM software.


    MetalOpt 7.3 FOM XML file creation

    MetalOpt 7.3 incorporates the FOM saw stop XML file format. This converts the fab sheet or cut list into the native FOM XML file format.

    MetalOpt 7.2 eluCad update

    MetalOpt 7.2 has a small update to the eluCad routine per a customers request. I think the change accommodates the needs of the eluCad users.

    MetalOpt 7.1 with eluCad function

    A Cut List Pic

    MetalOpt 7.1 has an update adding a new fab sheet for the eluCad software used on elumatec saws and programing to create the eluCad DGX native file to be used directly on their software.

  • 1. Added eluCad functions.
  • 2. Material length and miter information will be included in the DGX file.
  • 3. MetalOpt will perform the internal conversions from Imperial unites to metric lengths the eluCad software uses.
  • 4. A DGX file can be created from the Fab sheet or linear cut list or stack cut list.
  • 5. New functions added to all routines: When creating a DGX, CSV or RDB file from the CuttingList it is important the Extrusion number matches the fab sheet Tab number. This is how the program finds the angle data to include in the files.
  • MetalOpt 7m Mac compatibility release

    A Cut List Pic

    MetalOpt 7m introduces a Mac compatible version that utilizes the optimizer and cut list programs. Both the PC and Mac versions have a new recap routine to quickly create a recap sheet from one or all of the FAB sheets into one sheet to check or print.

  • The Mac version of Excel 2016 can run the signature programs of MetalOpt which is the material optimizer and cut list routine.
  • The Excel 2016 for Mac must be version 15.17 or newer. Older Excel for Mac versions are not compatible with the menu ribbon programing.
  • Both the PC and Mac versions of MetalOpt can run the new recap sheet routine.
  • The PC version of MetalOpt must be used to utilize the AutoCAD material Tag data feature and the CSV export feature due to the use of activeX programing.
  • MetalOpt 6.4 compatibility update

    MetalOpt 6.4 has an update increasing the number of layers filtered from AutoCAD. This addition will accommodate a future release of the CADDtools Data Exchange.

    MetalOpt 6.3 with RazorGage function

    A Cut List Pic

    MetalOpt 6.3 has an update adding a new fab sheet for the RazorGage saw stop and programing to create the RazorGage native file to be used directly on their software.

  • 1. Added RazorGage functions.
  • 2. Expanded the sorted data function from the CADDtools Data Exchange program. This will allow you to include up to eight additional preps per part and add it to the MetalOpt FOM and RazorGage fab sheet automatically.
  • 3. Added glass layer CADDtoolsGL functionality so MetalOpt can see the layer in AutoCAD.
  • 4. Created small routine to repair quick buttons due to Windows anomaly.
  • Improved Version MetalOpt 6.2

    A Cut List Pic

    The elusive 64 bit error has been solved. This version fixes the error encountered with 64 bit installations of Excel. With more systems preloaded with 64 bit versions of Excel I expedited this solution, it mainly effects the .xlsm version since the .xls version is loaded in Excel in compatibility mode.

    New Version MetalOpt 6.1

    A Cut List Pic

    MetalOpt's capabilities have increased with the introduction of a new version, MetalOpt 6.1

    MetalOpt will now optimize multiple spreadsheets at one time saving you time from extra mouse clicks. Another great function is the introduction of optimizing up to six different lengths at one time. It will then display all of the lengths, quantity required and percentage of scrap in a convenient chart that you can locate anywhere on the fab sheet. There are added capabilities to the CADDtools Data Exchange program with an additional Glass fab sheet to use the sorting routine in MetalOpt thus allowing you to import and export glazing data. Finally a routine was added to create CSV files of your data to use with automatic saw stops or create labels.

    The Improvements are as follows:

  • Select multiple spread sheets to Optimize at one time.
  • Optimize multiple stock lengths at one time.
  • Import and Export Glass data between MetalOpt and AutoCAD which is an extension of the CADDtools Data Exchange program.
  • Create Excel CSV (Comma Separated Values) file for use with automatic stop saws.
  • Introduction of .xlsm version for Excel 2007 and newer. (Legacy .xls version still available for Excel 2003 and older)
  • New ribbon menu for .xlsm version.
  • Data Import Export Feature

    A Cut List Pic

    This feature allows you to import data from AutoCAD into Excel and export Tag information back to AutoCAD. This is a multistep process by creating the data in AutoCAD then extract the data using a the CADDtools Data Exchange program designed to use with AutoCAD. Once the data is extracted MetalOpt can use its visual basic program to import the data and make Fab sheets along with combining like sizes in one step. After you manipulate the data as you require, i.e. add tag information, you use the MetalOpt program to export the Tag information directly to AutoCAD. Please refer to the Instruction Video page for detailed video instructions for more information.

    Download a Demo Today

    Try the demo, I created a sample project for you to run the optimization on. This demo will allow you to try the optimizing functions and make a cut list. Since I prepare architectural aluminum shop drawings and optimized cut lists for a living, I made a sample storefront shop drawing to go along with the demo. This demo works on the PC version only, the Mac version does not have a demo at this time.